Last Updated: Thursday, Feburary 09, 1995 9:08:42 AM
We, the associated students of Menlo School, aspiring to encourage
maximum student participation in school activities, to promote
the school's best interests, and to form a stronger alliance between
the student body, the school administration, the parents, and
the faculty, hereby establish this constitution.
- The Student Council
- The Student Council shall consist of 25 elected members, these
being the student body President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
two appointed non-voting members (Curriculum Committee Representative
and Assembly Coordinator),and the Presidents, Vice Presidents,
and Secretary-Treasurers of each of the four classes.
- The Student Council shall transact all business of the Associated
Students in a manner hereafter prescribed, and for this purpose
shall meet whenever necessary, typically four times per month.
There shall be no fewer than two meetings per school month. No
meeting of the Student Council shall have any legal standing unless
a quorum is present. The Dean of Students shall serve as the advisor
to the Student Council.
- Thirteen (13) members and the faculty advisor or a substitute
designated by the Dean of Students shall constitute a quorum,
and a majority vote of the members present shall be necessary
to pass a motion. All business must be moved, seconded and discussed
before the Student Council may call it to vote. In the case of
a tie vote, the motion should be decided in accordance with the
vote of the President of the Student Body.
- Duties of the Student Council
- The Student Council shall act for and by the authority of
the Associated Students in all matters of legislation, and its
power to legislate for the Associated Students in all matters
pertaining to school activities shall be limited only by this
constitution and the authority of the school administration. Subject
to these limitations, it shall have the power to supervise and
regulate acts and resolutions.
- It shall be the duty of the Student Council to audit all elections.
- The Student Council shall have the power to adopt all needful
regulations supplementary to, and not inconsistent with, this
constitution, provided that no special tax, fee, or assessment
shall be levied except by the regular vote of the Associated Students.
- Any official student club may request funds from the Student
Council. The Council has the power to require at any time the
official student club petitioning for funds to submit its constitution
to the Council for inspection and approval; it shall have the
power to require that such a constitution be changed in any manner
that it may deem fit. When submitting a request for funding, the
club must submit a written declaration of the need for the funding
requested. Funding by the Student Council will be decided on the
basis of benefit to the Associated Students of Menlo School. The
Council may also request at any time a list of the funded club's
- Student Body Officers
- The elective officers of the Associated Students shall be
a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Activities
- Any upperclassman (sophomore, junior, senior) of the Associated
Students, not on probation for any reason, shall be eligible for
election to Student Body Office provided, however, that the office
of Student Body President shall at all times be filled by a member
of the junior or senior class who has been at Menlo for at least
one year.
- The student body officers shall be elected to office for one
academic year.
- The student body officers shall be present at all Student
Council meetings.
- The President shall preside over all meetings of the Associated
Students and the Student Council, and shall have full power to
appoint committees to perform all other duties hereinafter delegated
to him.
- The Vice President shall act for the President when for any
reason the latter is absent. The Vice President shall assist the
President in his duties.
- The Student Body Secretary shall act for the Vice President
when for any reason the latter is absent. The Secretary shall
keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Student Council
meetings, including motions and votes. The Student Body Secretary
shall also be responsible for the publication of the minutes of
these meetings; these records shall be permanent.
- The Treasurer shall act for the secretary if for any reason
the latter is absent. The Treasurer shall work under the direction
of the faculty advisor. Cooperating with him, he shall have charge
of the business management of all student activities; the purchasing,
invoicing, accounting, and care of all property of the Associated
Students and the receipt, accounting and disbursement of funds.
- The Activities Coordinator shall act for the Treasurer if
for any reason the latter is absent. The Activities Coordinator
shall oversee all school events as well as monitor the activities
of other classes.
- The Student Body officers shall serve as Student members of
the Judicial Committee.
- When any student body officer neglects the duties delegated
to him, he is subject to recall by a 2/3 vote of the entire Student
Council, with the member in question absent. When any student
body officer has three unexcused absences, he is subject to review
and possible recall.
- Class Officers
- Each class shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Activities Coordinator.
- Any member of the Associated Students not on probation for
any reason shall be eligible to appeal for nomination for election
to office.
- Class officers shall be elected for one academic year.
- Class officers shall be present at all Student Council meetings.
- The President shall preside over all class meetings.
- The Vice President shall act for the President when for any
reason the latter is absent.
- The Student Body Secretary-Treasurer shall act for the Vice
President when for any reason the latter is absent. The Secretary-Treasurer
shall keep an accurate record of all class meetings; these records
shall be permanent. He shall also have charge of the business
management of all class activities.
- The Activities Coordinator shall be responsible for organizing
all class events.
- When a class officer neglects the duties delegated to him
he is subject to recall by a 2/3 vote of his class; however, such
a vote may only be taken only if first deemed appropriate by a
2/3 review vote of the Student Council.
- Elections
- All elections and run-offs shall be scheduled and regulated
by the Student Council. Any Student Council member running for
election shall not be permitted to participate in the ballot counting.
- Each eligible student who wishes to campaign for an office
must first obtain the signatures of his advisor and the Dean of
Students. A student may become a candidate with only one of these
signatures only if he successfully comes before the Student Council
in appeal and fulfills all other requirements. A student who has
obtained these signatures or has successfully appealed may then
be put into nomination by petition. The offices of President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Activities Coordinator
of the student body require a petition signed by not less than
30 members of the Associated Students. The offices of President,
Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, or Activities Coordinator
of a class require a petition signed by not less than 10 members
of that class. All petitions shall be filed with the faculty advisor
to the Student Council within the prescribed time limit for the
election called. Each student may sign only one petition per office;
all signatures that appear in support of more than one candidate
for the same office shall not be counted for that office.
- At the close of the nominating period for student body officers,
printed ballots shall be prepared with the names of the candidates
for each office arranged in alphabetical order. These ballots
shall be used at the general election. All voting shall be by
secret Australian ballot. The candidate for any office shall receive
a majority of all votes cast before he is declared elected.
- If no candidate receives a majority of all votes cast, the
names of the two highest on the list for each office shall be
placed on the ballot for a special election. If, in a class election,
the candidate with the third greatest number of votes has within
five votes of the second candidate, a three way run-off shall
be held. If, in a student body election, the differential between
the second and third candidates is fewer than sixteen votes, a
three way run-off shall be held.
- At the special election the candidate receiving the plurality
vote shall be declared the winner. In case of a tie, the Student
Council shall call as many additional special elections as are
necessary until one candidate receives a plurality vote.
- A special election shall be called when a vacancy occurs in
any Student Body or Class Office. If a vacancy occurs in an office
of the President, the Vice President shall fill the office and
a special election shall be held for Vice President.
- No candidate shall spend in excess of thirty dollars on his
campaign. The Council need not approve the wording of the campaign
speeches or posters.
- Class meetings, as designated by the Student Council, shall
be held for campaign speeches. There shall be a twenty-four hour
lapse of time between the time of nomination and the election.
The faculty advisor of the Student Council shall monitor the eligibility
of nominees.
- All voting for class officers shall be by secret Australian
ballot, and the ballots shall be counted under the supervision
of the Dean of Students. All members of the class must get an
opportunity to vote before the results are announced.
- Committees, Publications and Clubs
- An official student club, as such, is any organization of
students with officers and a faculty advisor. Any official student
club funded by the Student Council must have an approved constitution
and must keep an updated list of its members.
- Amendments and Approval
- This constitution is subject to amendment by the Associated
Students, provided the following procedure has been observed:
- Amendments shall be proposed at any regular or special meeting
by a majority vote of the Student Council, provided such amendments
have that approval, in advance, of the Dean of Students.
- Proposed amendments may be ratified at a special election
of the Associated Students approved by a majority of the votes
- Student Body Attendance at Council Meetings
- No member of the Associated Student Body shall be denied admittance
to meetings of the Student Council, provided that he shall have
made a request of the President before the meeting. These observers
may not vote in a meeting.
- The date, time, and location of all meetings of the Student
Council shall be announced at least a day before the meeting.
- The Student Council shall pass any measures necessary to enforce
this article.
- Any person or group who wishes to present a subject for discussion
at a Student Council meeting must have made a request of the President
before the meeting.