We, the members of the California Junior Classical League, in order to promote cooperation among the several chapters, to establish a basis for order, and to unite the members of the organization, do hereby establish this Constitution for the California Junior Classical League.
The name of this organization shall be the California Junior Classical League.
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of Classical life, history, and literature; to impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the Classics; to interest other students in the Classical languages, literature, government, laws, and arts; and, as members of this organization, to always strive to promote friendship and fellowship among students of the Classics.
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall be the accepted parliamentary authority for this organization, except in such cases which are in conflict with this Constitution or other rules or guidelines of the California Junior Classical League. In such cases, precedence will be established by this Constitution, in accordance with its interpretations by the Executive Board.
Section 1: The membership of this organization shall be three kinds: chapter membership, individual membership, and members-at-large.
A. Chapter Membership: A chapter shall consist of not less than five persons eligible for membership in this organization and a qualified sponsor that wish to become a part of this organization.
B. Individual Membership: Individual membership within this organization shall be granted to all members of a chapter affiliated with the California Junior Classical League, who fulfill the following requirement: the student must be currently enrolled in a Classical language course or must have successfully completed one semester of a Classical language course.
C. Members-at-Large: Members-at-Large shall be those persons properly qualified for individual membership who wish to become members of this organization but have no local chapter. Such persons may apply to the state Vice President for membership and will be referred to a chapter within the vicinity.
Section 2: Good Standing: Local chapters and members-at-large shall be admitted in good standing to the California Junior Classical League upon proper payment of annual dues.
A. Proper Payment: Proper payment shall consist of payments made on or before January 15.
B. Enforcement: Only chapters in good standing may have the opportunity to sponsor a candidate for state office and to vote at the State Convention.
Section 3: Sponsors: Local chapters must be sponsored by a Latin teacher. Another adult may serve as chapter sponsor with the consent of the Executive Board. A sponsor must be a member of the American Classical League.
Section 1: Offices
A. Elected Officers: The elected officers of this organization shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, a Parliamentarian, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Historian, and a Representative from each geographical region.
B. Appointed Officers: The appointed officers of this organization shall consist of at least one Convention Chair and a Commissioner of Publications.
Section 2: Qualifications:
A. Elected Officers: Each elected officer shall be an individual member of this organization who:
1. is a member in good standing of the California and National Junior Classical Leagues
2. will be enrolled in a classical language course for his entire term of office, or will have completed all such classes available at his school
3. will not succeed a member of his chapter in his specific office
4. is present at the annual State Convention
B. Appointed Officers: Each appointed officer shall be an individual member of this organization who
1. is a member in good standing of the California and National Junior Classical Leagues
2. will be enrolled in a classical language course for his entire term of office, or will have completed all such classes available at his school
3. will be enrolled in a senior high school or its equivalent for his entire term of office
Section 3: Nomination and Election of Officers
A. Nomination: Candidates for the elected offices shall be nominated be a Nomination Committee consisting of the Parliamentarian, who shall act as chair, and four members, one from each of four chapters in the vicinity of the school of the Parliamentarian which do not have candidates applying for nominations for state elected offices. In the absence of the Parliamentarian, the state President shall appoint a chair for this committee.
B. Provisions: Two candidates will be chosen for each office from the applications submitted to the Parliamentarian, unless fewer than two are submitted and/or candidates are deemed ineligible by the Nominating Committee. These applications must be submitted to the Parliamentarian at least six weeks before the State Convention. In addition to the sponsor recommendation for the candidates application, the sponsor must be present at the delegate's caucus.
C. Chapter Limitations: The Nominating Committee may nominate up to, but not more than, two candidates from each chapter, including the President and the Corresponding Secretary, who must run on the same ticket, and who must be from the same chapter.
D. Campaigning: Each candidate may campaign at the State Convention only after the candidates' speech screening.
1. Expenses: Expenses for the campaign shall not exceed $30 per candidate, including both the estimated value of donated material and actual expenses; candidates for the office of President and Corresponding Secretary may run a joint campaign with expenses not to exceed $60.
2. Candidate Screening: At the State Convention, prior to campaigning, each candidate shall present his speech, his campaign materials, and all applicable receipts to a screening committee for the purpose of review. The State Chair, or their designee, in addition to each candidate's sponsor, and the screening committee, must be in attendance. This screening committee shall consist of the Parliamentarian, the Vice President, and the Treasurer; if any member of the screening committee is from the same chapter as a candidate in question, he shall be exempted from the committee for the duration of the screenings for that office. In the event that all three committee members are exempted, then the President shall screen the candidates of select an appropriate committee in his absence. Should the total value of campaign materials for the given candidate exceed the allotted amount, the committee will confiscate all materials of the candidate's choice in order to assure compliance. Failure to comply shall result in the disqualification of the candidate.
E. Election Procedure:
1. Voting Delegates: Each chapter shall be allowed two voting delegates to represent the entire chapter, unless only one voting delegate is present; in such a case, the one delegate shall be allowed only one vote for that chapter. Every voting delegate must be a member in good standing of the chapter he represents as well as the California and National Junior Classical Leagues in addition to attending the voting caucus and election assembly, and must not be a concurrent candidate.
2. Procedures: The officers shall be elected by secret ballot at a voting assembly during the annual State Convention. A simple majority of all votes cast, including abstentions, shall be necessary for election. If an office remains vacant after elections, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to serve in that office.
3. Regional Representatives: The Regional Representatives shall be elected only by the chapters in their respective regions.
Section 4: Appointed Officers
A. Convention Chair: Immediately after the State Convention, the sponsor acting as host for the next State Convention shall appoint a Convention Chair.
B. Commissioner of Publications: Immediately after the State Convention, a Commissioner of Publications shall be appointed by the Executive Board upon recommendation of the sponsor of the chapter responsible for the publication of the Nuntius Californiensis.
Section 5: Terms
A. Term of Office: A term of office shall be defined as the amount of time an officer shall be a voting member of the Executive Board.
B. Elected Officers: The term of office for elected officers shall be one year beginning at the inauguration at the State Convention at which they are elected and concluding at the inauguration of new officers at the following State Convention.
C. Appointed Officers: The term of office for appointed officers shall be from the time of their appointment to the time when their successors are chosen immediately following the next State Convention.
Section 6: Removal from Office
A. Requirements for Impeachment: Any officer of this organization can be removed for not performing his duties as outlined by this organization or for actions not becoming an officer of this organization. Presentation to the President and the Executive Board of a petition, bearing the names of at least ten members in good standing of the California and National Junior Classical Leagues from not less than three different chapters, shall mandate a discussion of this question.
B. Disciplinary Action and Impeachment: Disciplinary action and/or removal from office shall be decided by the Executive Board members in association with the sponsors of the petitioning chapters.
Section 7: Duties of Officers: Duties of office must be completed, regardless of term.
A. President: The duties of the President are to:
1. preside at and be responsible for the programs of the meetings of this organization
2. appoint the necessary committees and supervise their activities
3. chair the Executive Committee
4. ensure that all projects for the year deemed necessary by the Executive Board are completed
5. attend the annual National Junior Classical League Convention
6. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
7. collect, check, and pass on the officers' notebooks
8. organize the delegates for the National Junior Classical League Convention
9. attend all Executive Board meetings
B. Vice President: The duties of the Vice President are to:
1. fulfill the duties of the President in his absence or at his request
2. act as chair of the nominating committee
3. act as timekeeper during campaign speeches
4. refer all members-at-large to a chapter in their vicinity
5. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
6. attend all Executive Board meetings
C. Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer are to:
1. receive, disburse, and keep a record of all moneys of this organization
2. receive all applications for membership and keep a record of them
3. notify all chapters not yet in good standing by December 31
4. make a report to the Executive Board at its meetings
5. present a financial report at the State Convention which shall serve to conclude the financial authority and jurisdiction of outgoing officers, unless deemed unnecessary by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Board
6. obtain and present an audited financial report unless deemed unnecessary by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board
7. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
8. attend all Executive Board meetings
D. Parliamentarian: The duties of the Parliamentarian are to:
1. be an authority of parliamentary procedure
2. serve as the President's advisor and consultant on questions of parliamentary procedure
3. draft proposed amendments to the constitution and/or its by-laws
4. annually review the constitution to ensure that it remains concurrent with the needs of the California Junior Classical League
5. be a member of the nominating committee, and be present at the voting delegates' caucus and the voting assembly
6. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
7. attend all Executive Board meetings
E. Recording Secretary: The duties of the Recording Secretary are to:
1. keep a record of all meetings, of this organization including the State Convention
2. send duplicates of all meeting minutes to all members of the Executive Board within two weeks of each meeting, and send minutes of the State Convention to the State Chair within two weeks of the State Convention
3. record the voting of any roll call vote
4. record the attendance at the State Convention in the Convention minutes
5. read the minutes of the previous State Convention at the State Convention unless deemed unnecessary by a majority voice vote of the delegates
6. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
7. attend all Executive Board meetings
F. Corresponding Secretary: The duties of the Corresponding Secretary are to:
1. act as the President's personal secretary
2. call roll of all chapters attending the State Convention
3. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
4. attend all Executive Board meetings
G. Historian: The duties of the Historian are to:
1. keep and record the history of the California Junior Classical League
2. collect publicity from the local chapters and record the points for the state publicity contest
3. produce a scrapbook to be presented at the annual National Convention
4. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
5. attend all Executive Board meetings
H. Regional Representatives: The duties of the Regional Representatives are to:
1. coordinate regional activities in their regions
2. plan and organize at least one regional meeting in the fall
3. serve as a direct means of communication between the Executive Board and the California Junior Classical League members in their geographical regions
4. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
5. attend all Executive Board meetings
I. Convention Chair: The duties of the Convention Chair are to:
1. plan and coordinate the program of the State Convention, subject to the approval of the Executive Board
2. be responsible for distribution of all information and registration materials for the State Convention
3. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
4. attend all Executive Board meetings
J. Commissioner of Publications (Nuntius Editor): The duties of the Commissioner of Publications are to:
1. be responsible for the publication and distribution of the Nuntius Californiensis
2. present a report and a financial statement at every meeting of the Executive Committee
3. maintain a notebook with a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties
4. attend all Executive Board meetings
Section 8: Vacancy in Office
A. Officers: Should a vacancy occur among the duly elected officers, except the President, the sponsor of the previous officer shall appoint a member in good standing of the California and National Junior Classical Leagues, with the approval of the Executive Board, to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
B. President: Should a vacancy occur in the Presidency, the Vice President shall assume the duties of that office for the remainder of the unexpired term.
C. President and Vice President: Should a vacancy occur in the Presidency subsequent to a vacancy to the Vice Presidency, the State Chair shall name a successor to the President.
D. Appointed Offices: Should a vacancy occur in the appointed offices, a successor will be chosen by the same means as the original officer.
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the state officers, their sponsors, any national officers, the State Chair, and any regional or assistant chairs.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall consist of voting members of the Executive Committee. They are the state officers and the State Chair.
A. The chair of the Executive Board shall be the President.
B. The Executive Board shall act as an agent through which business is to be transacted between State Conventions.
C. The quorum necessary to transact business shall be two-thirds of the state officers and must include the State Chair or an appropriate designate.
D. A majority of those voting shall be necessary to authorize the transaction of such business.
E. In the event that the treasurer can not attend the meeting of the executive board, the sponsor must appoint someone who will bring the notebook and the checkbook to the meeting.
Section 1: The State Chair shall be elected by the sponsors of the chapters of the California Junior Classical League. Both the State Chair and the sponsors must be in good standing with the American Classical League, the National Junior Classical League, and the California Junior Classical League.
Section 2: During the fourth year of a State Chair's term, the sponsors of the state officers shall form a nominating committee. The duty of the committee shall be to formulate a slate of candidates. The slate shall be submitted to all sponsors in good standing by December 1, and all ballots shall be returned by February 1. A simple majority shall be necessary for election.
Section 3: The term of office shall be four years, beginning at the close of State Convention. The State Chair may be re-elected.
Section 4: In the event of a vacancy, the State Chair shall be chosen by the sponsors of the state officers. The appointive chair shall fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 5: The State Chair shall be subject to the approval of the National Junior Classical League and the American Classical League.
Section 6: Duties: The duties of the State Chair shall be to:
A. advise the State Officers
B. supervise the State Contests
C. appoint Co-Chairs to serve as his assistants
D. appoint a Scholarship Chair, subject to approval by the Executive Board
E. attend the annual convention of the National Junior Classical League
Section 1: A new constitution may be ratified only at the annual State Convention.
A. One copy of the proposed constitution shall be sent to each chapter four weeks before the State Convention for study.
B. The constitution shall be voted on by a secret ballot at the voting sessions of the State Convention. A two-thirds majority of votes cast shall be necessary for ratification
Section 2: Amendments to the constitution may be adopted only at the State Convention.
A. Suggested amendments must be submitted to the President and Parliamentarian at least six weeks before State Convention.
B. Copies of the proposed amendments shall be sent to each voting chapter four weeks before the State Convention for study.
C. The amendments shall be voted on by secret ballot at the voting session of the State Convention. A two-thirds majority shall be necessary for adoption.
Section 1: The annual State Convention shall be located at the chapter of the California Junior Classical League President.
Section 2: The annual convention of this organization shall be the meeting at which all official business for this organization is to be transacted.
A. Business to be transacted shall include the election of officers and voting on proposed constitutional amendments and by-laws.
B. The quorum necessary to transact business shall be not less than two-thirds of the chapters in good standing with this organization.
Section 1: A host school must submit a detailed and accurate budget and profit statement for the State Convention by the following October 1 to the CJCL Treasurer.
Section 2: A host school will be required to return a minimum of 40% of its profits to the California Junior Classical League Treasury. The remaining 60% may be kept by the host chapter.
Section 3: If a host school shows no profit, the host school's debts will be assumed by the California Junior Classical League Treasury, if sufficient funds exist. If sufficient funds do not exist, the chapter assumes responsibility for all debts.
Section 4: This article shall supersede all verbal agreements concerning convention profits.
1. Regions
A. The chapters of this organization will be grouped into geographical regions to be designated as North and South.
B. The geographic boundaries of the regions shall be determined at least every four years by the Executive Board. (The boundaries were last determined in June, 1989, at the Executive Board meeting at University High School. The CJCL Line of Demarcation was set at the northern borders of the following counties: Kern, San Bernadino, and San Luis Obisbo.)
2. Finance
A. The fiscal year of the California Junior Classical League shall be from December 1 to November 30.
B. Dues
1. Chapter dues shall be determined by the Executive Board, at the beginning of its term.
2. Individual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board, at the beginning of its term. 50% of the individual dues shall be contributed to the CJCL scholarship fund.
C. Expenditures
1. Expenditures under $50 not authorized by this constitution may be made with the approval of the President, the Treasurer, and the State Chair.
2. Expenditures over $50 not authorized by this constitution may be made only with the approval of the Executive Board.
D. Scholarship Fund
1. The scholarship fund shall be administered by the Scholarship Chair and committee consisting of four advisors to the Scholarship Chair. The Scholarship Chair shall be appointed by the State Chair and approved by the Executive Board.
2. The finances associates with the scholarship fund will be handled by the Scholarship Chair.
3. In order to receive his scholarship, the receiver must provide evidence of enrollment in a Classics course at the college or university he is enrolled in.
4. Should the receiver of a scholarship fail to provide evidence of enrollment in a Classics course at the college or university he is enrolled in by the third State Convention after his selection, then the scholarship shall be canceled.
E. Transportation
1. The Executive Board may provide for transportation expenses to and from meetings of the Executive Board for the members of the Executive Committee as it sees fit.
2. The Executive Board shall not provide for transportation expenses under $50.
3. The maximum limit the Executive Board will pay for transportation shall be determined at a time the Board deems fit.
F. Should a slave auction be held at the state convention, the money acquired shall go to the state scholarship fund.
3. Candidates for National Office
A. The candidates for national office shall be elected in the same manner as the state officers, as entailed in Article V, Section 3.
B. After the State Convention, if no one has applied for permission, prospective candidates may apply to the Executive Board for permission. Should two or more persons desire candidacy, the Board shall select one candidate.
4. Publication
A. A newspaper under the name of Nuntius Californiensis shall be published at least once annually.
B. At least two copies shall be sent to each chapter. The cost of the publication shall not exceed a limit to be decided by the Executive Board upon the appointment of the Commissioner of Publications (Nuntius Editor).