The Chi, hereafter referred to as Chi, strives to effect the integration, education, and expansion of mathematics and computer science into and out of Menlo. The founders of Chi hereby establish this constitution in order to better pursue our mission.
The executive authority of Chi is vested in the presidents. The presidents are responsible for the effectiveness of Chi and its projects, in pursuit of the goals set forth above. Decisions made by the presidents can be overridden by a majority vote of the Chi Council. The Chi Council is a collection of students and advisors playing specific and major roles in the overall Organization. Council positions are explained in Article III, Section I.
The administrative position is held by the Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisor will provide Chi with adequate space and supplies for meetings; will oversee all judicial responsibilities; will interact with other faculty as needed; will help appoint other faculty advisor (or himself/herself) for internal projects; will promote an environment conducive to education; and will act as a primary advisor to Chi
No meeting of the organization shall have any legal standing unless a quorum is present. Chi shall meet at least once during the school year in order that pertinent issues be addressed.
One less than half of the current Chi non-officer members, and the Faculty Advisor or a substitute designated by the Faculty Advisor, shall constitute a quorum, which is necessary to conduct business. A majority vote of the officers and advisors present shall be necessary to pass a motion. In the case of a tie vote, the motion shall be decided in accordance with the vote of the Chi presidents.
Chi shall handle matters of math and computer science as they pertain to the student body. It shall consider all matters brought to the organization's attention and will pursue the desired goals if necessary.
Chi shall have the power to adopt all needful regulations supplementary to, and consistent with, this constitution.
Any internal project may request funds and/or action by Chi in pursuit of their needs. Any student may bring an issue to the organization for any reason. Chi has the power to require at any time that the requester submit any information about the matter for inspection and approval; it shall have the power to require that such information be changed in any manner that it may deem fit. When submitting a request for funding, the project must submit a written declaration of the need for the funding requested. Funding by Chi will be decided on the basis of benefit to the Associated Students of Menlo School. The granting of funds will be decided by a 2/3 majority vote of the Chi Council.
There are three types of offices in the Chi Council. The first, administrative office, is the Faculty Advisor. The second, defined offices, are those of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The third, special project offices, include executive officers of internal projects and project leaders accomplishing technology related projects.
Any Sophomore, Junior, or Senior of the Associated Students, not on probation for any reason, shall be eligible for Chi office. However, the offices of the Chi presidents shall at all times be filled.
All officers shall serve until graduation unless the officer is from an internal project. In that case, he or she shall remain in office until the project removes the officer of his or her executive position, as decided by the project's constitution. If any other special project officer completes his or her project, he or she may remain on the Chi Council for three months after the project's completion.
The Chi presidents shall preside over all Chi meetings. They shall also distribute work, help in existing projects, and serve as the primary liaison to all other organizations, including the school administration.
The Vice President acts for the President if for any reason the latter is absent.
The Secretary shall act for the Vice President if for any reason the latter is absent.
The Treasurer shall act for the Secretary if for any reason the latter is absent. The Treasurer shall work under the direction of the faculty advisor. Cooperating with him/her, the Treasurer shall have charge of the business management of all student activities; the purchasing, invoicing, accounting, and care of all property of Chi and the receipt, accounting and disbursement of funds.
Once a special project officer is elected, the organization expects a detailed memo periodically from the officer explaining what he or she has succeeded in doing in his or her project.
If any Chi student officer neglects his or her delegated duties, the officer is subject to recall by a 2/3 vote of the entire Chi Council, with the member in question absent. When any Chi officer fails to attend three meetings, the officer is subject to review and possible removal. If the officer is removed, follow the terms in Article IV, Section IV.
If a student officer is considered unworthy of the position, he or she can be removed from office by a 2/3 majority vote of the existing Chi council. Otherwise the officer shall remain in power until graduation, expulsion, resignation, or further discontent. Suspension will result in an immediate meeting of Council members to review the situation. If the officer is removed, follow the terms in Article IV, Section IV.
If any officer wishes to resign his or her position, the organization asks that thirty days' notice be given and that the current officer help orient the incoming officer to his or her new position.
All Chi officers are required to have a permanent mailing address or substitute for one.
All elections shall be scheduled and regulated by the Chi Council. Any Chi member running for election shall not be permitted to participate in the ballot counting.
Each eligible student who wishes to campaign for an office (defined or special project) must first be nominated by a single member of the Chi council. The Chi officer must clearly state the candidate's interests, background, and character. Once nominated, all candidates must present a short speech, to be heard at a regular Chi meeting, explaining why the candidate is best choice for the position and duties he or she plans to fulfill.
In accordance with Article IV, Section II, the Chi Council will vote whether or not to elect the candidate.
In case of vacancy of a Chi office, if the officer is an executive officer of a project, the internal project must replace the officer based on its constitution and will join the organization with the approval of the Chi Council. A vacancy in a defined office will result in an immediate replacement by the election process explained in Section II of this Article. All other special project officers will not be replaced immediately. Replacement will be decided and if agreed upon, the organization will hold a meeting in which candidates for that specific position may follow the election process in Section II of this Article.
All ballots shall be counted under the supervision of the Faculty Advisor.
An internal project is any project formed or funded by Chi. All internal projects of Chi must have a constitution. It may not conflict with the Chi constitution.
All projects must have a faculty advisor. All internal projects must follow all federal and local laws as well as school policies. Furthermore, complaints and problem reports against an internal project may be filed by any member of the Associated Students resulting in an immediate Chi meeting to review the situation. The faculty advisor will attempt to make sure this does not happen.
Internal projects must have an executive position approved by the Chi Council. All executive officers of every internal project must attend all Chi meetings and will hold office on the Chi Council.
This constitution is subject to amendment by the Chi Council, provided the following procedure has been observed: Amendments shall be proposed at any regular or special meeting and added by a majority vote of the Chi Council, provided such amendments have the approval of the Faculty Advisor.
Amendments must be approved within a finite amount of time since its formal proposal or the amendment shall have no standing.
No member of the Associated Student Body shall be denied admittance to meetings of the Chi Council.
The date, time, and location of all meetings of the Chi Council shall be announced before the meeting.
The Chi Council shall pass any measures necessary to enforce this article, provided that the measures remain legal.
Any person or group who wishes to present a subject for discussion at a Chi Council meeting must have made a request of the presidents before the meeting.
LAST UPDATED: Wednesday, October 02, 1996