The Student Council is truly in a sorry state. At their meeting (called secretly for Monday, the 23rd of October, in a direct contradiction of their own constitution, which few of them have read, which states, "the date, time, and location of all meetings of the Student Council shall be announced at least a day before the meeting,") this past week, the Student Council members attempted at least once to remove our source, since he was not a member of the Council. Upon being presented with the constituti
on they had sworn to abide by, they were frankly surprised, not having seen it in several months, and having been ignoring it all the while.
Breaking another provision of the constitution, they had arrived for a revote on a "dead" measure which had passed the previous week (a certain member of the administration thought it needed to be revoted because that administrator was not satisfied with the outcome). The meeting began at 11:55, but attendance was not taken until 12:05, when half the members still had not arrived, attesting to the great sense of duty all student council members have always felt, doing their best to avoid wasting any time in (on) their duty. In particular, once discussion actually started, twenty minutes late, several members protested the idea of running a bonfire tonight, on the grounds that there was "too much going on."
And, of the two voices of reason which announced themselves at this farce of a meeting, where parliamentary procedure was left to rot in favor of a "new math" approach to vote counting, only one was a student council member -- Justin Yung argued against a group which had said that people might not come, saying that "the people would decide for themselves", and John Earl stated clearly "that if JCL officers can work 24 hours for a convention, surely the Student Council members can do the same."
For the thirty minutes of its actual debate, the student council managed only to cover one topic, the bonfire, as members continually tried to steer the conversation away from the issue of whether to hold the bonfire into petty little issues which would be better resolved in small groups. Did we elect our officers to give them a chance to waste their own time for our benefit?!