Sirs: I am appalled by the article written in the most recent issue of The Subterranean Crusader regarding multiculturalism in the Menlo community. The article excessively criticizes the recent establishment of the Indian Club at Menlo and the MAC mural behind the math building. The writer of the article on multiculturalism referred to the Indian Club as a discriminatory and racist club. I was shocked to see this statement printed in your newspaper. It is ludicrous and completely false. As one of the founders of the club, I would like to assert the fact that we had no intentions of making the Indian Club racist or discriminatory from the preliminary stages of the club's establishment. The members of the club simply feel that Indian culture is not promoted well enough within the Menlo community, and, therefore, we feel that the establishment of the Indian Club will compensate and promote Indian culture to a satisfactory level. The author of the recent article on multiculturalism states in the article that when he asked a member of the club concerning whether he could attend the first meeting, he was told that "it's for Indians, but you can come, [we] guess." I believe this statement was fabricated by the author, and, furthermore, by replacing I with we , he attempted to portray the entire club to have the same intentions. The club was never meant to be exclusively for Indian students at Menlo. From the very initiation of the club to the present time, the founders of the club have consistently stated that the club is open to all individuals who are interested in learning about Indian culture. Therefore, even typical White Anglo-Saxon Atheists are welcome.
I would also like to address the author's statement regarding the MAC mural in the article on multiculturalism. Apparently the author was upset that members of the MAC club did not put anything European on the mural painted at the end of last year. This statement, in my opinion, is ridiculous coming from the author. Last year, before the MAC Club painted the mural, members of the club went around campus and even announced in assembly that they were planning to paint a multicultural mural. During these announcements, members asked all the students at Menlo what cultures they would like to see represented on the mural. Therefore, the components of the mural are a result of the inquiries of the students last year. The mural had nothing European on it because, NEWS FLASH, no one asked for it. If someone had asked for a European symbol to be painted on the mural, I can almost guarantee that that is exactly what would have happened. In light of these details, I believe that the author should reconsider some of the arguments put forth in his recent article.
Sincerely, Sheil Patel